Sunday, November 15, 2009

all i ever really wanted to do was write. its all that ever made sense.. the only place i ever really knew myself. albeit or moreso...revealed myself...
the only thing that truly came without effort.
as if it was drawn up and out of me chanelled by some introverted counterpoint with an extraverted need.
need is akin to passion. it knows no remorse,
it knows no harsh logistical rationale.
it only exists to feed its own pulsating momentum to project.
fever would come alive the moment the unleashing began- without warning, reprieve, explained purpose...i remember 10,000nights of catharsis bleeding soul pen to paper...evolving..
the only true salvation. my stream of consciousness is my path. its each and every moment of truth reflected back at you ..echoing through from chambers inside an expanse subconscious. mapping out the stars inside my mind. the wordconstellations would become great imprints into the vast woven ceiling that netted my universe.
even now my fire shifts from within, hands burn, i know not the reason.
i know only the great clearing, the epiphanies set in motion by the stroke of a key..or the pressing out of ink.
perhaps the words clearexcess...hone the resonating symbolism of life as art. rearrange the chi and concise the truth and the beauty into manageable bite-sized pieces. processing for the mind.
focus is reinstated upon the proper shifting within.
its easy to right the wrongs when they are known
in a subjective universe one only knows perspective as veritas.
if it feels good one might think its essential to survival..the hierarchy of needs is a very complicated beast when emotion, sensory and intellectual pursuits collide on meaning.
yet right is what feels true and feeling is not a fabulous judge of character.
feeling right is truth when it confronts candidly, the shadow side of thought.
clear a path for the cognisant balance that aligns heart and mind.
if its words that beg release- let them breathe,
if its paint- use the dawns as a canvas for your revelation...
do not let the rampant waves of uncertainty be subsided through feeling good alone, challenge your discomfort.
own your pain.. let great bouts of intrigue sweep you into a hysteria of direction seeking.
if you have the suspicion...follow it..
ride bareback on it through the unknown chambers..
the doors of perception willreveal infinite.
blake said it.
jim recounted it in madpoeticfervor-
and i employ it here to hone my tangent and ride its purpose out to something true.
we must express. ....explore. diverge. wander. persist. question everything.
the catharsis of creating reveals its own beautiful epiphany.
with exodus of clutter, art can be art.
and we are liberated -set forth to discover a clearer perception to witness the infinite.
just create.
your soul will thank you.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


one wonders on a late fall evening. ... wonders and wanders... anchored in this moment i recount the days that have brought me to stand mindful inside a moment- hotsummer firefilled nights confronting space and challenging freedom.
but that was just a fervent wander that bleeds into the next moment like fresh air
increasingly unclouded perception gives way to instantaneous understanding- its a hard thing to describe to the blind eye...but those who've glimpsed its grandeur wont soon forget the resonant lightness - triggering memory, unlived circumstance, a fortitude of respite hideaways on the barriers to oblivion. casual. calculated. charismatic. dangerous cocktail.
i forgive the motivations of others on a fundamentally detached level, i forgive their undulating suffering, dispelled and disintegrated over and over, i forgive but i do not abide by repeated mistake.. we must be conscious.
resolute in our wanderings...give not to the intrepid heels of dialated ego.
understanding is a gift that is ever unfolding, the path is transforming, new truth blooms into awareness as we relish each moment of being alive.
all we have is now. you are on the path.
do not falter. do not regret. only hold fast to wisdom, love and the notion that we are moving towards a higherconsciousness.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Someone said something this morning
A simple sentence that resonated a belief that deserved ponderance

Doubt: 1. to be uncertain about; consider questionable or unlikely; hesitate to believe. 2. to distrust.

The notion of doubt is a sticky thing.
Not only is it inherently self-defeating but speaks to that whole, law of attraction, magnetic energy, get what you give phenomenon. whatever.
( I wasn’t always at this level of awareness - I can pinpoint a few key turning points in evolution, specifically over the last 6 months but I truly believe everything I am has been simply manifesting into awareness as I walk the path… it’s the same for you. )

My response to this person’s “I doubt it” comment was something to the (e)(a)ffect of
“ you shouldn’t fill your head with so much doubt, it takes up space and doesn’t leave room for anything else”
now that’s true on many fronts not necessarily as specifically related to doubt;
but if you are doubting than are you crushing any chance for hope.
uncertainty is a dangerous state of grey area.
it must be noted; the 'questionable' aspect of the definition of doubt, i think is imperative. we must question everything, implore, analyze, discover....applying the natural instinct of doubt to move to higher levels, hone process, build tighter systems... this subtlety of doubt is more like applied intuition, and is the fodder of great thinkers and inventors.

perhaps the underlying principal that gives doubt its destructive power.. is rooted in fear... fear to understand, fear to accept...
hope seems as if it’s the natural counterpoint of doubt, it’s offset. Its destroyer. belief cancels doubt.
If we are resolute in our thinking, and endeavour to manifest only the positive,

( By this I mean free of the impact of expectations and/of doubt )
*expectations is another subject altogether but ties in nicely with the point here )

Then we charge our atmosphere with the right energy as to draw the things we desire in our universe closer to us.

No one who ever perpetually doubted themselves accomplished any remarkable thing.
Doubt is an illusion deeply woven in with the notion of fear, lack of conscious-minded living and pre-determines outcome, sometimes on a very subtle level.
Instinct also plays a part in this obviously, as sometimes we instinctively know something is unlikely and therefore express that suspicion as ‘doubt’
But again, that’s something slightly different. A nuance.
The doubt I speak of is that powerful, negatively charged emotion that perverts the evolution of possibility in our universe.
Never doubt your ability to overcome.
Never doubt the ability to do something you had no fathom you could even do.
never waste precious mindscape real-estate with notions of doubt.
its useless.
never distrust yourself.
be confident and fearless and if you must employ the notion...
try doubting doubt itself.
deny its power. its existence. perhaps this may give way to banishing it altogether.
never hesitate to believe.

Friday, November 6, 2009

art in motion.
when i speak to art in motion it denotes more of an all encompassing notion.. for its truly everything that is art, and everything that is in motion.
art in motion is just a cute nickname my conscious-kindred business-partner gave me.. a way to abstractly and concisely describe the process of a firey and restless creative mind.
to me, its random moments captured that weave the intricate world of art in motion.
the sun shining through the windowsill... at just the right hour, catching the light of a glass sphere fills the room with spectral
the wind blowing fierce with intent and fresh with revival...making music with windchimes, art.
the dude on the corner, begging for change to hop a bus the fuck outta here... art.
the glint in the eyes of someone who's just discovered something about themselves ( the ah-ha moment)
barefoot in the grass, expanse blue skies... the smell of rain... the list is endless, although i think the jist is clear. life is art. despite the cliche questioning around that....and i do not know the answer- of whether life imitates art or art imitates life, in my mind they are one.

that being said;
i cant promise any of this content will be riveting.. i cant say that it will be much more than a random ardent spew of chaotic musings... theoretical, abstract, philosophical, semantic and possibly self-indulgent perspectives, always off the cuff..
of a fervent mind. on the brink. always moving.
this is a touchstone floating in the ether. anchored by this moment. that's my truth.
i make no apologies in advance.
i dont know how you got here. that's your path.
magnetic energy is an unfolding mystery....and the universe has purpose in all she ushers.
i make no claims that perspectives should give way to enlightenment, although i do realize that it truly is all about perspective and perception...and that should is a grey area word)  nor do i adhere to any particular evidence that would render my rants conducive to productiveness, revelation, and/or practical application.
that work will be your own. as it is all our own.
we are in the midst of evolution.
mine is a R.evolution.
each day i draw closer to the heart of purpose, generating as much gratitude, positivity and understanding as i am able.
i wish the same for all.
just be conscious.